Basic Commands dir-scans the directory you are in cd..-moves you up a level in the file "tree" fdisk-a utility for formatting partitions, fatal if misused deltree-quickly deletes all the sub directories of a directory format-erases all data on your hard drive scandisk-a diagnostic utility for your hard drive memmaker-a memory manager that frees up more of the base 640K be downloaded from my site, allows mouse support in DOS emm386-an advanced memory that can handle expanded and extended memory help-displays dos help and is pretty good, but no mouse support, use TAB to navigate qbasic-a build it system editor, can be used to program as well ver-checks ther version of DOS you have dblspace-a compression agent for DOS that tries to double you HD space mem-displays current memory stats chkdisk-scans disks and gives report md-creates a directiry in the file system unformat-tries to "unformat" the hard drive by doing it's best to recover lost data saved in the image file. (Orig format must have been done using the "format" command in DOS) Vital Files main file of DOS. Executes command interpreter config.sys-loaded into memory and provides configuration info autoexec.bat-can be customized to launch any file you want at startup himem.sys-useful if you ever intend to use windows (For high memory) ************************************************************ DO NOT DELETE OR IGNORANTLY EDIT ANY OF THESE FILES. FATAL ERRORS MAY RESULT!!! ************************************************************ Possible Security Breaches w/DOS and Windows IN WINDOWS... My Computer->C:->Windows->System->msconfig Use msconfig to change startup files (useful for school networks, disable any monitering software/blocking software that are running at startup must restart!) My Computer->C:->Windows-> Explination to come IN DOS ( fdisk-See above. Very quick and destructive. Create new partition and set to active for best results. (It covers your tracks since it will say it will need a boot disk, and no one will firgure it out since a boot disk doesn't do anything) All data is then lost and unrecoverable. format-See above. Slow and stupid. For the neurally challenged individual. deltree c:\windows -Say yes to everything=complete destruction. del c:\*.* -desturctive FINALLY...THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE AND INRECOVERABLE Take a sledgehammer and jackhammer, or even better, explosives, and blow the computer up. The only disadvantiage is that it makes a heck lot of noise and is very obvious. (Not good for stealth operations)